5 High Protein Meal Prep Recipes

Meal prep — preparing multiple meals in advance — can be super efficient. But it can also be fun and tasty! Prepping delicious and nutritious meals in advance helps you save time, stay fueled, and meet your protein goals.
High Protein Breakfast Meal Prep Recipes
Many of our dozens of recipes can be made ahead or made in batches. Our Protein Shakes and Powders can be secret weapons in your kitchen anytime, and that includes meal prep sessions.
We have lots of recipe ideas for everything from late night snacks to protein combos that can satisfy a craving any time. But we especially love the idea of meal prepping high protein breakfasts. Reclaim your mornings and start the day right!
Protein Shakes for Meal Prep
High Protein Baked Oatmeal
This recipe uses our Vanilla Protein Shake to make a tasty breakfast for the whole family! Make a big batch and have breakfast handled for the rest of the week.
First, you’ll mix rolled oats, chia seeds, baking powder, and salt. Next, add Vanilla Protein Shake, Greek yogurt, egg whites, and vanilla. Get creative by adding whatever mix-ins you’d like — banana, dried cranberries or raisins, chocolate chips — and bake for 25-30 minutes.
See full High Protein Baked Oatmeal recipe.
Café Latte Chia Pudding
This delicious chia pudding makes a great breakfast, snack or even dessert! It’s made with our Café Latte Protein Shake, which has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.
You’ll combine chia seeds, coconut palm sugar, cocoa powder and cinnamon in the jar or cup of your choice. Then you’ll pour the shake over and stir. Cover them, pop them in the fridge and let them set overnight. When you’re ready to eat, add the toppings of your choice!
See full Café Latte Chia Pudding recipe.
Honey Lavender Proffee
This recipe is so easy and delicious — why not make a whole batch? Boil honey, water and culinary lavender to make a simple syrup. Pour the syrup over ice and add it to our Café Latte Protein Shake. We recommend keeping a jar of the syrup ready anytime you need a little sweet, herbal boost to your protein-filled coffee.
See full Honey Lavender Proffee recipe.
Protein Powder for Meal Prep
Banana Protein Packed Muffins
These hearty muffins use our Chocolate Milkshake Protein Powder alongside mashed bananas, peanut butter, applesauce, oats, cinnamon and more. Bake a batch of these and have a protein pack breakfast or snack all week long.
See full Banana Protein Packed Muffins recipe.
Proffee Pancakes
Our Proffee (Protein + Coffee!) Pancakes pack a delicious, protein-filled, energizing punch! You’ll blend our Café Latte Protein Powder with eggs, rolled oats, coconut flour, Greek yogurt, coffee and baking powder to create a smooth batter.
Heat a pan on medium heat, spray some nonstick cooking spray and pour in the batter, cooking each pancake 2-3 minutes per side.