Premier Protein’s Ins and Outs for a Healthy, Joyful 2025

For many of us, this time of year means reflecting on the previous year, setting goals and intentions for the new one, and figuring out how we’re going to get there.
For many of us, this time of year means reflecting on the previous year, setting goals and intentions for the new one, and figuring out how we’re going to get there. Setting New Year’s resolutions can be a wonderful and helpful tool — but sometimes, frankly, they can be a little intense and overwhelming.
This year, we’re leaning on the Ins and Outs trend to guide us to a healthy 2025 that’s joyful (and realistic!)
Daily sunlight
Natural light is an incredibly effective mood booster, but it can be harder to come by in the winter. The days are short and it may be pretty cold where you live. That means it’s important to be even more intentional about it during this time of year. Find ways to incorporate getting outside into your daily routine — maybe you bundle up and take your morning coffee outside, or make 10-15 minute post-lunch walks a new habit.
“Good enough”
Perfection can be the enemy of the good. Oftentimes, we put so much pressure on ourselves to reach some unachievable standard, that we end up stressed and feeling like we’re failing. This year, look for ways to embrace the “good enough.” Do you really need to spend that extra hour cleaning your house before company comes over? Do you need to reread that email 3 times before sending? We’re definitely not saying we should all be doing the bare minimum, but rather, realizing that not everything can be your best effort all the time, and being totally OK with that.
Easy high-protein meal prep
As you can tell, we generally think making things easy on yourself is IN. While meal prep can seem intimidating if you’ve never done it regularly, it can save you so much time and brain power once you make it a habit. Prepping meals is a great way to make sure you’re hitting your protein goals too! If you’ve got protein-packed meals ready to go in the fridge or freezer, you won’t have to scrounge for something during your busy day or be tempted to grab a less healthy meal or snack. “Meal prep” doesn’t have to be multiple hours per weekend preparing all your meals for the week like an Instagram influencer either. Take some of your favorite high-protein, weeknight dinner recipes, double them, and voilà, your leftovers are tomorrow’s meal-prepped lunches.
Little treats
If you’ve spent any time on TikTok in the past year or so, you’ve surely seen the rise of “little treat” culture. We expect this will continue to grow in 2025 and we couldn’t be happier. A little treat is a small, everyday indulgence. Something that can be savored without leaving home or taking up too much time. We created Premier Protein Indulgence™ shakes and powder so you can have a little treat whenever you need one, while still meeting your protein goals. You deserve it!
Skipping breakfast
We’ve heard “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” forever. And here at Premier Protein, we talk about the importance of a balanced breakfast all the time. But an estimated 10-20% of adults still skip breakfast each day, and we think that’s too many! Explore our many breakfast recipes or find where to buy our Protein Pancake & Waffle mix and never miss breakfast again.
Workouts you hate
Exercise is incredibly important, but everyone’s fitness needs and goals are different. And so are individual preferences. The best workout is the one you’ll actually do, consistently! Your work friends all do pilates, but you’d rather be running? Lace up your sneakers and meet them for coffee after. Feel like you’re always trying the latest celebrity-endorsed workout class, but you’re happiest at home with your dumbbells and yoga mat (not to mention your music)? Find movement that feels good, ignore the trends and do you.
Mindless scrolling
We’re not here to be the screen time police. But reducing screen time has many benefits — not just for your physical health, but your mood, social connections, and more. You can keep up with your favorite TikTokers, or see what your friends and family are up to on Instagram, but set a timer. You want to enjoy social media while avoiding total brain rot. If you’re having trouble stepping away, pick up a book or pop in some headphones and go for a walk.
“Too old for this”
As we age, it’s normal for our bodies and our minds to feel different than they did a few years — or a few decades — ago. But don’t let your age be a limiting factor for things you’d really like to do. Think you’re “too old” to start strength training? You’re not! Want to sign up for a dance class but worried what the other students will think? Do it anyway! Want to buy a cute matching workout set but all the models on the website are 20 years old? Order it and embrace being the most fabulous whatever-year-old your gym has ever seen.
Share your 2025 Ins and Outs
What’s In or Out for you this year? Let us know what you’re doing to have a healthy and happy 2025 and tag us using #premierprotein.